Electric Rates

The City of Ashland Electric Department is a publicly owned electric utility with the responsibility of serving the public’s needs for power, a responsibility held since 1908.

Power for the City of Ashland is purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), metered at distribution substations and dispersed through City-owned feeder and distribution lines, transformers and meters. The Department is responsible for the engineering, construction and maintenance of the system for distribution of electrical energy.

Electric Rates


Residential Service:

To single-family customers when all service is supplied to one point of delivery.

Basic Charges: 

Per Month$16.25

Energy Charges per kWh: 

First 500 kWh$0.07570
500kWh - 5,000 kWh$.09110
Over 5,000 kWh$0.12940

Commercial Service:

Basic Charges:

Single Phase: 

30kW or less$25.00
Over 30 kW$64.67

Three Phase: 

Over 30kW$112.10

Demand Charge: 

Per kW in excess of 15kW$7.00

Energy charges per kWh:

Single Phase: 

Per kWh up to 3,000$0.08870
Per kWh for the next 17,000$0.08900
Per kWh for all additional kWh$0.08930

Three Phase: 

Per kWh up to 3,000$.07910
Per kWh for the next 17,000$0.07960
Per kWh for all additional kWh$0.07980